Is it Time to Reline Your Parking Lot?

Parking lot striping, lines in a parking lot

If you’re a property owner you know that every part of your property is important, including your parking lot. For customers and guests who are visiting your property, the parking lot is often their first impression of your property. The appearance, safety, and ease of understanding of your parking lot matter. One of the most important factors in providing a safe, appealing, parking lot is the lines on your lot, and making sure your parking lot line striping is up to date. So, you may be asking yourself, do I need to reline my parking lot? Here are a few useful ways to know if it is time to update your parking lot striping.

It has been two years since it was last striped

It is recommended to check to see if the lines in your lot are fading one to two years after it is first striped. Depending on the volume of traffic that comes through your lot, the time that your lot needs to be restriped can range from one year up to five years. If it has been two or more years since your lot was striped and those lines are fading, it is time to consider repainting.

People are driving or parking poorly

If there have been more issues with your lot, such as bad parking or confused drivers, this is a telltale sign that your lot needs restriping. When guests or employees have issues seeing the lines in your lot, it can lead to accidents or issues over parking. Make sure the drivers in your lot can see where their cars are supposed to be and stripe your lot regularly.

Cracks and potholes are appearing

With high traffic and over time, it is natural for your lot to develop cracks and potholes. These fractures make it more difficult for paint to stick and be easily visible. Not to mention the hazard these problems pose. If your lot has cracks or potholes, AAA can repair those issues and restripe the asphalt to make the lot safer and more visible.


AAA Total Property Solutions offers striping services to help create clear direction in your lot. Our team will make sure the layout is safe and functional, including ADA-compliant handicap spaces and clear fire lanes. AAA also provides a variety of other asphalt paving services you can see here.

Contact us if you are seeking a professional and courteous crew in Georgia or Northeast Florida to help with restriping your parking lot, paving, sweeping, portering, handyman work, or a service you don’t see listed.


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