How to Protect Your Asphalt During a Hurricane

As the year progresses, we are entering the peak of hurricane season. Hurricanes are a fact of life and anyone who lives near the coast of the Atlantic Ocean knows that these large storms can develop quickly, leaving little to no time to prepare.

Properly laid asphalt should hold up during bad weather, but big storms can cause trouble if there are existing issues. It is important to prep your asphalt for hurricane season to make sure it holds up during these large storms. Here are ways to prepare your asphalt for inclement weather.


It is crucial to make a detailed assessment of your asphalt before bad weather arrives. On a sunny day, check the asphalt and it’s surrounding areas for any issues that may but it at risk for severe damage. Common problem spots to look for are potholes, dips, cracks, graying color and draining issues.

If these issues are not properly addresses it can lead to the possibility of water intrusion or pooling, which can weaken the surface or cause the asphalt to erode.


Following a thorough assessment, the next step is to make repairs on any damages you find. Even if an issue seems minor, it could lead to major damage after a hurricane. You can clear blocked drains, fill in the cracks and regularly sweep your asphalt for debris on your own.

For larger issues like potholes, you may need to call a professional for help. Potholes that are not filled on time may spread and damage your entire parking lot. When you notice larger issues starting to form in your asphalt, you should immediately hire asphalt paving contractors, like AAA Property Solutions, to repair them. This allows you to save money on large repair jobs.

This is also a good time to consider installing a draining system if you do not have one already. It is important to maintain adequate water drainage to avoid water collection on the surface.


When taking proper care of your asphalt, considering a sealcoat is very important. A sealcoat helps to prevent discoloration, wear and tear and locks out water, asphalt-damaging chemicals, and even UV rays. Your asphalt should be sealed every two to three years to help maintain its structural stability.

Call a Professional  

Hurricanes are inevitable, but there are ways to protect and maintain your asphalt from large storms. If you take to proper steps of care, your asphalt should be good to go for hurricane season. Need help repairing or maintaining your asphalt? Contact concrete and asphalt paving companies like AAA Total Property Solutions for assistance. We’ll be able to help you keep your pavement survive even the toughest storms. Contact us to get started!


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