The Importance of Pressure Washing your Commercial Property

Maintaining the Appearance of Your Commercial Property

Living in Southeast Georgia or Northern Florida means that your business is exposed to substantial amounts of salt damage, sand, and humidity that can take a toll on your building if not properly cared for. To boost your commercial buildings curb appeal, it’s important to restore the building to its original glory by removing the environmental exterior build up. Your commercial building should always look great, so it visually represents the high standards of your business. It’s important to make your property look sparkling clean and new! Not only will pressure washing restore the beauty of the outdoor surfaces it’s also a necessary part of maintaining the structure of the building.  AAA Total Property Solutions provides commercial pressure washing services for storefronts, entryways, and sidewalks and specializes in rust-stain removal from concrete sidewalks and walls.

Commercial Property Real Estate Value

Overtime proper exterior maintenance will increase the overall value of your property.  Consider commercial pressure washing an investment that you are making for the future.  Pressure washing is the most affordable way to keep your property in prime condition.  If you are the building owner and renting it to tenants or if you own the building for your own business-pressure washing is the best way to make an easy return on your investment. Pressure Washing your property is known to increase the value between 5%-10%!

Removing Potential Environmental Health Hazards

Aside from maintaining your commercial properties professional curb appeal, pressure washing is beneficial in preventing potential health related concerns. Environmental impacts such a build up of mold, mildew, and pollen have been linked to negative impacts that can cause harmful breathing difficulties, allergies, and other potential diseases. Maintaining a well pressure washed commercial building ensures that your employees and customers are in a safe and healthy environment. Pressure washing your commercial property is also great for eliminating outdoor insect nests. Without regular pressure washing your building may become infested with entire colonies of bugs. In situations where this happens it can be extremely expensive to have your building treated for bug extermination. Getting rid of these external problems, by having a professional power washing service, can save your business and building thousands of dollars down the road.

AAA Total Property Solutions has delivered top notch pressure washing services to clients in GA, SC, and FL since 1978. We are available 24/7/365 and we are always available for a FREE CONSULTATION.  Give us a call (478) 550-0898


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